#include "../io.h" #define PIC1 0x20 /* IO base address for master PIC */ #define PIC2 0xA0 /* IO base address for slave PIC */ #define PIC1_COMMAND PIC1 #define PIC1_DATA (PIC1+1) #define PIC2_COMMAND PIC2 #define PIC2_DATA (PIC2+1) #define ICW1_ICW4 0x01 /* Indicates that ICW4 will be present */ #define ICW1_SINGLE 0x02 /* Single (cascade) mode */ #define ICW1_INTERVAL4 0x04 /* Call address interval 4 (8) */ #define ICW1_LEVEL 0x08 /* Level triggered (edge) mode */ #define ICW1_INIT 0x10 /* Initialization - required! */ #define ICW4_8086 0x01 /* 8086/88 (MCS-80/85) mode */ #define ICW4_AUTO 0x02 /* Auto (normal) EOI */ #define ICW4_BUF_SLAVE 0x08 /* Buffered mode/slave */ #define ICW4_BUF_MASTER 0x0C /* Buffered mode/master */ #define ICW4_SFNM 0x10 /* Special fully nested (not) */ void init_pic() { uint8_t a1; uint8_t a2; a1 = inb(PIC1_DATA); // save masks a2 = inb(PIC2_DATA); outb(PIC1_COMMAND, ICW1_INIT | ICW1_ICW4); // starts the initialization sequence (in cascade mode) io_wait(); outb(PIC2_COMMAND, ICW1_INIT | ICW1_ICW4); io_wait(); outb(PIC1_DATA, 0x20); // ICW2: Master PIC vector offset io_wait(); outb(PIC2_DATA, 0x28); // ICW2: Slave PIC vector offset io_wait(); outb(PIC1_DATA, 4); // ICW3: tell Master PIC that there is a slave PIC at IRQ2 (0000 0100) io_wait(); outb(PIC2_DATA, 2); // ICW3: tell Slave PIC its cascade identity (0000 0010) io_wait(); outb(PIC1_DATA, ICW4_8086); // ICW4: have the PICs use 8086 mode (and not 8080 mode) io_wait(); outb(PIC2_DATA, ICW4_8086); io_wait(); outb(PIC1_DATA, a1); // restore saved masks. // outb(PIC2_DATA, a2); outb(PIC2_DATA, a2); }