[ org 0x7c00 ] ; Tells the assemble to start inside the boot location mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl mov bp, 0x8000 mov sp, bp mov ebx, BOOTING_MSG mov edx, 2 call print mov bx, 0x9000 mov dh, 5 mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE] call disk_load mov dx, [0x9000] call print_hex mov dx, [0x9000 + 512] call print_hex jmp $ ; Imports print %include "./x16/print/print.asm" %include "./x16/print/print_hex.asm" %include "./x16/disk/disk_load.asm" BOOT_DRIVE: db 0 BOOTING_MSG: db 'Booting Obsidian Starlight OS (OST OS)',0 RANDOM_MSG: db 'Ya like jazz?',0 times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad the boot sector out with zeros dw 0xaa55 times 256 dw 0xdada times 256 dw 0xface times 2097152 db 0 ; Only for VirtualBox